Friday, March 23, 2012

Need Dynamic SQL Select turotrial

Need a tutorial on how to use to dynamically build a SQL2000 compatible SELECT statement for a multiple keyword search. I need a search that will find any combination of one or more keywords in the Keyword string in any order.

Thank you

Do you mean full text searching? (Searching for a particular word within a lot of text)


I have a database column 'Description' varchar(600) that contains product descriptions. I need to search it looking for any of the keywords contained in a Keyword string.

Example Keyword string - sail boat hardware

I need it to find all rows WHERE 'sail' or 'boat' or 'hardware' is found.

Thank you


That form of search is more a full text search rather than a dynamic search. The latter is searching on one to many columns as selected at runtime.


I am using a shared SQL2000 server. What I want to do is find a way in ASP.Net to take the keyword string entered and convert it into a Sql2000 select statement like below.

Keywords entered: sail boat hardware

SELECT Company, Phone, Description
FROM tblCompanyInfo
WHERE (tbl.CompanyInfo.Description LIKE '%' + "sail" + '%') OR (tbl.CompanyInfo.Description LIKE '%' + "boat" + '%') OR (tbl.CompanyInfo.Description LIKE '%' + "hardware" + '%')


Look at


I am actualy looking for an ASP routine that splits the Keyword string and creates the OR elements for a Sql2000 compatible Sql SELECT command. I have looked at the many CONTAINS options discussed in the article but did not find any that offer a split like solution. As for a full text search, that option is not available at least not in the shared SQL environment that I am using.

Thank you


In which case you need to roll your own text search solutions.

Create a Noise words table to contain words that you do not want indexed.


Looks like someone should create a new ASP.Net SearchControl. A bunch of us out here could sure use it.

Thank you for the follow up.


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